4 new Shopify email notifications

OrderlyEmails now supports the 4 new email notifications added by Shopify this week:

  • Draft order invoice
  • Shipment out for delivery
  • Shipment delivered
  • Contact customer

This means the app now supports ALL 17 email notifications customizable within Shopify.



If you have previously purchased one of our email design packages, these emails have been added to your OrderlyEmails account.. as a FREE upgrade:

Note: You will need to install the new templates into Shopify to activate them:
  1. Login to OrderlyEmails (Shopify Admin -> Apps -> OrderlyEmails)
  2. Click on the "Edit Template" button next to your purchased design
  3. Make any final changes to your emails, then click the "Finished" button and follow the installation instructions.
  4. If you love your emails, please also leave a quick review in the Shopify App Store: https://apps.shopify.com/email-templates#reviews-heading
If you have not yet tried OrderlyEmails, now is the perfect time!

You can customize, brand and add promotions to your Shopify Email Notifications (Order Confirmation, Shipping Confirmation etc.) in less than 10 minutes.. so you'll look more professional and increase repeat purchases!

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